Alopecia – how to accept a "new" self?

Now women often face the problem of hair loss and do not always know what to do about it. In fact, alopecia should not become a cause of self-doubt. There are enough ways to compensate for the absence of areas, or even the entire volume of hair on the head.


What processes in the body become the cause? Usually it all comes down to one thing – strong emotional experiences, stress. Hormonal disruptions and autoimmune diseases also play a big role in the development of the disease. Do not forget also about hereditary predisposition.


Hair loss for women is fear and disappointment. It's hard to accept, especially at a time when the process seems irreversible. It is important to surround yourself with support and care, to create the most favorable emotional environment. So it will be easier for you to cope with the excitement.


Your beauty does not disappear, but reveals itself in a new image. To feel more confident, you can buy a wig made of natural hair. It will look very natural. And the convenience of wearing will allow you to do everyday things, meet friends and continue to live in the rhythm that is familiar to you.


There are several types of systems, so before making a choice, you need to figure out which one is suitable in your case.


The system and the semi-system are chosen by women who lack most or all of their hair. The products fit snugly to the skin. They have a thin base, breathable mesh, so they are almost not felt when worn. They can be worn daily, washed as needed (usually 1-2 times a month), styled, create hairstyles. You can fix them with special tools – for example, glue, for greater reliability.


We recommend Topper to those who have encountered diffuse or nest alopecia. It is attached to her hair with hairpins and helps to mask the effects of the disease. It can be worn every day, laid, straightened. The most important thing is to choose the right shade. Then the pad will look natural and create additional volume on the head.


On the Clip Hair website you will find systems and overlays of different shades and lengths. Our managers will help with the selection of the product, tell you about the care, answer your questions.


We really want every woman faced with alopecia to be able to feel confident. Be healthy and don't be afraid of your peculiarities. And we will help you with this!